
Selasa, 03 September 2013

September 2nd, 2013

This is a proof, we just met each other for one month.
Just say "Hi.." or even smiled when we first meet. Then we try to talk, although for asking her/his name. We try try and try again, fighting our egoism to becoming a family. And now, we have done our first class, our first day, first term in the first year of 4 years later on. Someday we can become what we expect, together we success, together we take all of the winner in the olimpics science, and together we are becoming a pharmacist that can be boast our almamater, Universitas Indonesia. Vivere la Pharmacy!!

Senin, 02 September 2013

"They not  even know how hard we survive, just respect what we have done and we also give what you deserve..."